Addition agent
Addition agent for diesel vehicles recognized for excellence by having the
supply history of the Antarctic Sejong Station (Korea Polar Research Institute)
Siding Peong
Hi-Tech Cold Weather
Treatment for Diesel Fuel
Prevention of freezing fuel                   
Prevention of fuel waxing and gelation        
Improvement of starting performance
in extreme environments
Improvement of 3% fuel efficiency Reduce hazardous emissions
Cold Flow Improver
Prevent freeze diesel fuel
Prevent wax and gelling formation
Protects against extreme cold
Disel De-Icer
Hi-Tech Engine
Treatment for Diesel Fuel
Elimination of water in fuel
Injector cleaning
Elimination of wax sludge
Fuel storage stability
Improvement of starting performance in extreme environments
Eliminate water in fuel
Cetane Improver
Injector clean
Eliminate wax sludge
500:1 dilute (100L:200ml)
Cetane Improver
Hi-Tech Cetane booster
Treatment for Diesel Fuel
Cetane price increased by 7 points
Increase engine power
Improvement of 5% fuel efficiency
Injector clean
Elimination of wax sludge
Cetane Improver
Injector clean
Eliminate wax sludge